Parents » Attendance Information

Attendance Information


  1. Call the main office before 7:45 am at 973-483-4400 to report the absence.
  2. Clearly state the students name, grade, your relationship, and the reason for the absence. Please SPELL the name.
  3. Send a Note to the Attendance Office explaining the absence when the student returns to school. Doctors Note, Death in the Family, etc.
  4. If the student is going to be out for an extended length of time, send a note and/or email the teacher and let the main office know of your plans.
    1. Please note that students can’t have more than 19 unexcused days. Every day matters.
    2. After 10 unexcused days you will be referred to the Family Crisis Center.
  5. The compulsory education law (N.J.S.A. 18A:38-28 through 31) requires all children between the ages of 6-16 to attend school.  The attendance regulations (N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.6), require each district board of education to develop, adopt and implement policies and procedures regarding the attendance of students, including the adoption of a definition of "unexcused absence" that counts towards truancy.  While the regulations allow for the parent to be referred to municipal court for a truant child, consideration should be made to refer or coordinate with a community-based social and health provider agency, other community resource, or the juvenile/family crisis intervention unit (FCIU).


  1. Late students must report to the main office and receive a tardy/late pass.
  2. If you are late due to a doctor’s appointment please bring in your note when you pick up your tardy/late pass. We can then excuse your tardy/late day.
  3. Students may not write or sign their own notes. The school reserves the right to call the parent/guardian to verify notes.


  1. Please review flyers and calendar with regard to early dismissal and days when school is closed.
  2. Listen to robocalls for important information.
  3. Scholars must be picked up promptly at 12:30 pm. If you are running late please call the main office to advise us of your emergency.